The Chosen One: Wolf Story

In this quiz, you are the courageous and curious blue-gray wolf named Moon. You are leader of your three friends Twilight (female), Sharp (male), and Stars (female).

The Chosen One is destined to either save the packs or destroy them. Which will it be? Follow Moon and her friends on the journey through the Furred Lands.

Created by: Starlet
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are dreaming of a walk in the forest. You smell wolf on the breeze, and lightning. You walk forward and see
  2. You wake up in your den, seeing you're fine. You get up and go outside, breathing fresh air. You say,
  3. You walk out and hear "Where do you think you're going?" You look back and see your male friend Sharp. You say,
  4. "Sure, the worst thing is Fearless lecturing us again. He's such an old hag!" Sharp said. "Yeah. Anyway, race you to the Hollow Pine!" You say, taking a head start. You run until
  5. You manage to unstick yourself and Sharp from the tree and you collapse and fall asleep, dreaming about
  6. "Sharp, Moon, come quick! Something's happened to Stars!" Twilight yells in a frantic pose. You and Sharp wake up immediately. 'An omega? No one's ever made fuss over an omega before.' You think. You
  7. You and your friends come to the base of the cliff. "Stars fell off it," Twilight explained. A crowd of wolves were also at the bottom. "Can't see." Sharp said. "Wait, Stars fell? Did she survive? Does she have the
  8. "She survived, but we don't know about the scar." Twilight said. "Wait! Scar? What are you guys talking about?" "It's the Tale of the Chosen One.
  9. "Every 100 years, there is a wolf born among the packs with special blood in its veins. The blood can either be used to bring peace to the packs, or end them in war. No one knows how the blood must be used, all we know is that it is a long. hard path to take should you choose to help the Chosen One." Twilight says.
  10. "We know the Chosen One because legend says, something deadly must happen to the wolf and they must survive with a diamond-shaped scar on the bottom of one of their paws." Twilight says. "SHE HAS THE SCAR! SHE'S THE CHOSEN ONE!" someone says. Sharp says, "Well, that's that."
  11. You notice a dark ginger wolf with a white scar on his shoulder and a white underbelly. 'Huh? A 'Lost Soul' wolf? What's he doing here?' you think. No one else notices him and you go back to the den with your friends.
  12. "Why did the heavens send a Chosen One?" gray-furred Fury says. "The heavens believe the packs can't live side by side so we need to prove ourselves." Flower says. "Just a myth." Fury says. "Explain Shimmerstar." Snowfall says.
  13. Sharp leaves and so do you. You're walking to the border to hunt. "Do you think we should, you know, help her?" You ask Sharp. "I don't know about you, but I will." Sharp says. "If you will, I will." You say. Suddenly, the 'Lost Soul' wolf from earlier comes out of the bushes onto your grounds!
  14. 15 other wolves appear in the bushes. "Let me talk to your alphas about the Peacekeeper, or as you say, the Chosen One." The first wolf says. Sharp snarls and tells you to guard Thunder while he, Sharp, is getting backup.
  15. Sharp comes back with Freeze and Twilight. Freeze and Thunder heat an argument, and Freeze leaps. "Get off our territory! The alphas don't want to speak!" He yells. Thunder deflects the blow by clawing Freeze's neck.
  16. Freeze says, "My death will be avenged!" and he closes his eyes and becomes still. "You monster! You killed your own half-brother!" Twilight says. Thunder says he will get Stars on his side, and he vanishes. You stare at Freeze's lifeless body in horror. 'No, Freeze...' you think as you carry him back for a proper burial.
  17. Ok, that's the end of the quiz. Didja like it? ready for the results?

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