The awesome mlp quiz 2

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Are you a mlp genius? Take the "Awesome Mlp Quiz" and put your mlp knowledge test. Do you have what it takes to get a good grade? The awesome mlp quiz is here.

Are you a mlp genius? Take the "Awesome Mlp Quiz" and put your mlp knowledge test. Do you have what it takes to get a good grade? The awesome mlp quiz is here. Are you ready?

Created by: rad pony fan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. For the first 3 questions I will ask for you to name who said what. READY?
  2. Who said " No can do sugar cube"
  3. Who said " you should see the looks on your faces" in episode 1 season 2
  4. Who said " It needs to be about 20% cooler"
  5. True or False. Pinkie Pie wears leg warmers when she works out.
  6. True or False. Rainbow Dash is a wonder bolt
  7. For the next 3 questions I will ask you to fill in the blank of each song. READY?
  8. Apple Jack needs your .... she's trying hard doing what she can.
  9. You've come such a long long way and I ....... you since that very first day.
  10. These animals don't ...... no not one little bit they run around out of control and throw their hissy fits.
  11. Bye Every Pony

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