The Awesome Quiz

There are many awesome people, but few Chuck Norris awesome people. What level of awesome are you? Chuck Norris? Just plain 'ol awesome? or are you sucky like Bruce Lee?

Are YOU awesome? Do you have the skills to qualify for an awesome title. You will never know until you take this quiz. Can you live with that or do you HAVE TO KNOW!

Created by: Boozshy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite animal
  3. Do you think your awesome?
  4. What is your name?
  5. Do you like Avatar The Last Airbender. CARTOON!!!!!!
  6. Mac or PC?
  7. Cow or Pig?
  8. If you run into a dark alley and a man pulls out a knife...
  9. You fight anyways and you get stabbed in the shoulder and the leg. What do you do?
  10. 1,2, or 3

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