The American Revolution

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Test yourself on the American Revolution: the key events that resulted in the founding of the United States of America.

Did you pay attention in history class? If so you should have no trouble with this quiz. If you struggle, maybe devote some time to researching the American Revolution as it is a fascinating topic.

Created by: rubyjrocks

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which event happened in 1765?
  2. Which event happened in July 1776?
  3. What era is the Revolution from?
  4. Who is Paul Revere?
  5. In what state did George Washington come from?
  6. What type of Native American did the people in the Boston tea party dress up as
  7. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence
  8. Which Happened First
  9. Who was king during The revolution
  10. Where was John Adams Born

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