The Am I fat quiz (13 to 19 year old) | Comments, Page 2
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz The Am I fat quiz (13 to 19 year old).
I got 8%/very thin. I'm 12 and weigh like 200 lbs and have a hugeeee belly.... this quiz is broken i swear. I am the opposite of "very thin"
Mim1 -
I got 8% but the scores are swapped I am 13 and 103 pounds this quiz is inaccurate
It depends on how tall you are, but you seem underweight.
It says I'm very thin and I'm going to blow away... I strongly disagree, I weigh 78.2 kg
Hiiya1 -
% 92%
Morbidly Obese Maybe you should loseSwws1 -
Morbidly Obese Maybe you should lose a little weight but if you don't want to thats fine Thank you
Swws1 -
Are you fat or not? 85% 85%
Morbidly Obese Maybe you should lose a little weight but if you don't want to thats fine Tha
results92Are you fat or not? 92% 92% Morbidly Obese Maybe you should lose a little weight but if you don't want to thats
Swws1 -
92% 92%
Morbidly Obese Maybe you should lose a little weight but if you don't want to thats fine Thank you
Sws111 -
I am 12 years old and weigh 19 stone
wanna be friends? do u have an insta im 12 teying to gain too
It said 0% maybe my new job should be a flag.
92% 92%
Morbidly Obese Maybe you should lose a little weight but if you don't want to thats fine
Swws1 -
Are you fat or not? 92% 92%Morbidly Obese Maybe you should lose a little weight
Swws1 -
I weigh 63kg and Im 14 is that fat?
No, believe me you're 100% okay! You're in the healthy weight zone for your age. I am 13, 57kg, 5'3 and a half, and in the healthy weight zone for my age. I always thought I was abnormal, different, 'so fat' as my best friend calls me. But now I realize I am normal. We are normal.
8% skinny, you're right
Tf I'm very thin and I weigh 108 kilos??
I got 15% , and very thin
My real answer is 85%, and very fat im 5,3/202 lbs/36 inch belly
This is a common mistake
not 85% 95%
I'm 12 and 140 lbs HELP please
I'm a 13 year old girl, I weigh 78 kg and I'm 5'8.
Am I over weight?
Hiiya1 -
Ich have 85 prozent fettleibig und ich bin 14!!!
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