tell me embarrassing dares

hi this is a quiz to make me do something embarrassing and humiliating because I'm bored and I don't know what to do, SO TELL ME SOMETHING EMBARRASSING TO DO

idkkdkdimd what to sey here so, I will do everything but it must not involve other people, just me and you, they can be done outside the home but not in places too crowded

Created by: fagggggggg
  1. what is your gender
  2. how old r u
  3. will you tell me some embarrassing and humiliating dares??
  4. I'll ask you a few questions because we need 10 of them.
  5. do u like to do wedgies
  6. do you like to receive them?
  7. do u like to humiliate people?
  8. you like to be humiliated
  9. you like to give spanking
  10. do u like to recive themmm???

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