Taylor Swift Quiz Take It If You Dare

You are a true Taylor Swift fan? You make me so happy that you like her and you know her like I do ; ) so thank so much or loving her like I do so you are the bomb.

You are the most cool person ever and you got thr eye of the loin so ou make your brain feel so powerful Rock on thank you. You are the best person ever and you make A and B on everything.

Created by: Kiernan Jennings
  1. What is her full name?
  2. Which song is on 1989?
  3. Who her best friend?
  4. What one one you think of her?
  5. Who was are last boyfriend?
  6. What her eye cololer?
  7. How many songs are on her cd 1989?
  8. What her fav number?
  9. Does she hate her fans?
  10. At 2009 who cutt her off when she was talking.
  11. Last one how do you like it.

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