Take This Quiz Before You Get a Hamster

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This Test is for you to see if you are ready for a cute hamster this test is for all, its okay if you don't get them all right you just need some more time and research before you get a hamster ! Enjoy.

Thank you every one who took this it mean a lot that people care about hamsters and wants to know what it take to become a hamster owner ! I my self love hamsters and think they deserve the world !

Created by: Addison Fox
  1. What is the minimum square inches for a hamster enclosure ?
  2. Can two hamsters live in the same enclosure ?
  3. Can yo bathe your hamster in water ?
  4. What color should my hamsters teeth be ?
  5. Are hamster balls and cars good for your hamster ?
  6. Can hamsters eat noodles?
  7. Are hamsters nocturnal ?
  8. Is pine and cedar shavings safe for your hamster?
  9. I should always listen to the Petco/Pet Smart people about hamsters.
  10. Hamsters don't need water.
  11. Hamsters need large space to live in.
  12. What size should my hamster wheel be if you have a Syrian hamster ?
  13. Should you take your hamster to the vet if he/she is sick or hurt really bad ?
  14. Do hamsters need chew toys ?
  15. Should you give your hamster more than 2 treats a day?
  16. What is a hamster ?
  17. What size wheel do I need for a dwarf hamster ?
  18. Did you like this test ?

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