What type of hamster are you?

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This is a quiz that will tell you if you are a Syrian, Winter white dwarf, Campbell's dwarf, or Robo dwarf hamster. What sound does a hamster make? :)

I can't promise you that this quiz is 100% accurate, but I can promise you that you will enjoy it. Please leave a comment and tell me your results! Enjoy!

Created by: Sharpie Hand
  1. Would you say that you are timid?
  2. Do you like summer?
  3. How often do you go for runs/walks?
  4. Do you like the sand?
  5. Do you watch TV a lot on the weekend?
  6. Are you in a choir?
  7. How long is your hair?
  8. How often do you get in fights with your friends?
  9. What continent do you live in?
  10. Do you own a treadmill?

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Quiz topic: What type of hamster am I?
