Tag: Shakespeare
- Which Shakespeare play are you?
- Dec 4, '12
- by Trolling Bankson
Welcome to the quiz! Shakespeare is an amazing author, so I've had to narrow it down to my top five favorites :). If you have…
- Who are You in Shakespearean Tragedies?
- Apr 28, '23
- by Flora QIU
Macbeth and Hamlet are two most influential tragedies among all Shakespearean plays. They reflect the mysteries of human nature…
- How Well Do You Know Shakespeare?
- Aug 6, '17
- by BrainNerd
Shakespeare has been a cultural icon since the early 1600s. But not many people know many details of his life and plays. So…
- Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
- Mar 18, '11
- by ondersteboven
This quiz is about Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, located in London. Everyone has heard about The Globe before but what do you…
- Which Shakespearean Character Are You?
- Jun 19, '11
- by Buoy
To be or not to be, that is the question. Answer the the next few questions to find out you you are most likely to be if you…
- Which Much Ado character are you?
- May 30, '07
- by Rachael Williams
Much Ado About Nothing is filled with some of Shakespeare's most vivid and memorable characters, whose traits we can still see…
- Shakespearean Phrases
- Jul 21, '09
- by kim
It's a well known fact that many of the colorful phrases we use in everyday life first appeared in plays by William…
- Which Shakespeare play are you?
- Sep 28, '09
- by Stardust
Shakespeare is the father of all English literature. His plays are as amazing as garden burgers. (Which really means…
- Do you know your Shakespeare
- Jul 15, '07
- by Karen Stapp
How many today can say they are Shakespeare aficionados? Are you a true Shakespeare expert? Do you want to be, or do you just…
- How much do you know about Shakespearean language?
- Mar 29, '16
- by Rehaaab
"Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet etc.., thus for sure you know that we are talking about Shakespeare. Do you think you are good enough…
- How Well Do You Know Shakespeare???
- Jan 27, '14
- by PoetLove:)
SHAKEsPeare! ShAKEsPEare! Is awesome!!! But how well do you know your stuff?!? Try this quiz out, its fun trust me. But if you…
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