Tag: Pirates
- Piracy and Privateering in the Early Modern Period
- Apr 24, '21
- by Murdoch/Abernethy
A sunny afternoon at sea on the twenty-fourth of April, 1715. You are the master of merchant vessel plying off of Barbados.…
- How well do you know Robert Newton?
- Apr 28, '08
- by mooncove
Actor Robert Newton (1905-1956) is probably best known today for his influence on pop-culture piracy--his portrayal of Long…
- What Type Of Pirate Are You?
- Aug 19, '07
- by Mike
Gather round matey, if you will be kind enough to take muy test and see wut type of cut throat thief be you. Just answer the…
- What Famous Pirate Are You?
- May 30, '12
- by Philip
The roving thieves of the seas are great at capturing our imagination. It would be great to be one of them. Think about it...…
- How Would You Have Done As a 1700s Pirate?
- May 13, '20
- by Ellick77
Imagine you are born in the 1700s. You have grown up around the sea hearing splendid and dangerous tales about swashbucklers…
- Are You Pirates Obsessed?
- Oct 29, '08
- by Will Turner
With three movies that were extremely successful in the box office, Pirates of the Caribbean is turning into a phenomenon.…
- Pirate Name Generator
- Mar 29, '09
- by Samantha Braveheart
Have you ever wanted to be a pirate? If yes then you can't go without an awesome pirate name. If no, you need one anyway.…
- Are ye a true pirate?
- Jul 17, '07
- by Shelby
There are many many people in the world, but few true pirates. A pirate is, after all, way better than a ninja. What is a…
- How Swashbuckling Are You?
- Feb 23, '11
- by Some Random Gal
A swashbuckler, I reckon, is quite a swashy buckler, like often seen in pirate or adventure movies -but swashbuckling is…
- Arrr You a Pirate?
- Jul 16, '07
- by Lilly
Arr, matey! This be the quiz to test your pirateyness! Come on ye scurvy dogs! Come take me quiz ye li'le windbags! Now seldom…
- What Kind Of Pirate Are You?
- May 23, '07
- by Danny l shea
Being a pirate is no walk in the park laddy. It takes skills, wit, bravery and a little rum. There are many different kinds…
- What kind of pirate are you?
- Dec 4, '14
- by Scottish Claymore
Pirates are some of the most notorious and most wanted criminals in history. They've stole, lied, cheated, and murdered. But…
- Are you a pirate or a ninja?
- Mar 20, '10
- by Brandon
There are many people who want to be a ninja. The others want to be a pirate. Those people are going to find out what they…
- What Would YOUR Pirate Job Be?
- Aug 12, '11
- by Pirate
Arr! May ye be a mighty sailor of glory or a ship-scrubbing scallywag? Take a step into de pira'e world and see what ye…
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