Switched at Birth Ultimate Test

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This is a quiz for the Ultimate Switched at Birth Fan didjdjdjjdjskwoqodjcjnejdiciendjdjdjndjcjfjfididjsndndjjdjxjdjdjdjjhgggggggggjoeoeiejwicjnddijdndndndndndnjdjdiwoqoqokwuwyd---foowoskdkdkdjjd

Get all the Questions right and you are amazing didjdjdjjdjskwoqodjcjnejdiciendjdjdjndjcjfjfididjsndndjjdjxjdjdjdjjhgggggggggjoeoeiejwicjnddijdndndndndndnjdjdiwoqoqokwuwyd---foowoskdkdkdjjd

Created by: Olivia
  1. What is Bay’s blood type?
  2. What do Bay, Ty, Kathryn, and John eat for dinner in season 1 episode 5?
  3. How much does Toby lose playing poker with Daphne and his friends?
  4. Where does Regina keep the pictures she secretly had of Bay from her childhood?
  5. What does Guitar Face change their name to at East-West Fest?
  6. Who does Bay start dating in the Galapagos?
  7. What is Daphne and Emmett’s movie called?
  8. Who is Daphne’s coworker at Chef Jeff’s restaurant?
  9. What does Angelo buy Toby with his settlement money?
  10. At Bay’s Anti-Valentines party, who gets in a fight?
  11. Where is Bay’s summer job?
  12. What information do Jace and Daphne use to blackmail Senator Coto?
  13. How did Nikki’s dad die?
  14. What is Kathryn’s second book called?
  15. What is Emmett’s catfisher’s “name”?
  16. Who does Laura Marano play?
  17. What song does Sharee sing at graduation?
  18. What was magical in the Christmas episode?
  19. What does Daphne do on her first day of Premed classes?
  20. What does Daphne bring to Wilkes house when she thinks he’s writing his paper?
  21. What is Professor Marillo’s soap dispenser shaped like?
  22. What is Mingos real name?
  23. What sign does Daphne try to teach Patty on their service trip to rural Mexico?
  24. What crime did Eric commit?
  25. What disease does Bay get in China?
  26. Who does Mingo get cancelled for dressing up as?
  27. What does Bay say in the last episode?

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