Susan's Super Easy Peasy Quiz

How well do you know me? Come and find out. I made it super Easy Peasy so no complaining. Remember what happens if you complain? I will come and change your avatar to something fun.

I tried to not make them hard and there is only one trick question in the bunch. No laughing at any spelling mistakes. I wonder how many spelling mistakes I made when doing this quiz. I bet a lot.

Created by: Susan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where did Susan and her family used to live
  2. What was Susan's old username?
  3. Why did Susan's family move to Iowa?
  4. What were Miriam and I sucking on in avatar pictures?
  5. What did Sean and I make at the HK Retreat in Missouri for all the kids?
  6. Who did Susan go to college with?
  7. How old am I, really!
  8. What is my secret Identity on HK?
  9. What do I call my children when I don't want to say all their names?
  10. What am I hoping to receive in the mail from all my friends on HK?

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