Susan LightningValley *UPDATED*

Hey all of you! so I did a quiz similar to this about the same person roughly 8 months ago, this is an updated version of that quiz and much much much more

professional than the last one, this one also makes a lot more sense and its a bit easier, I hope you enjoy/ed this quiz and cya in my future quizzes if I do make them!

Created by: soph
  1. How are you?
  2. Do you think you will succeed in this quiz?
  3. Okay first one.. what is her favourite colour?
  4. What animal does she 'train' with?
  5. Does she live in Australia?
  6. Does she live in a house or apartment?
  7. Does she own a horse?
  8. Does she like chocolate milk?
  9. Does she get hay fever?
  10. And last of all, do you think you did well on this quiz?

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