How well do you know me? 2018

This is an updated version of one of my old and terrible quizzes I made many moons ago. Just simple do you know me and if you know how well. You know.

It is probably a very lame quiz but thanks for taking it anyway. I might make more quizzes in the future I am not sure yet. Hopefully if I know they won’t be lame.

Created by: dannylover321
  1. How old am I?
  2. What’s my favorite color ?
  3. What’s the first letter of my loves name?
  4. What’s the first letter of my name ?
  5. Am I in high school?
  6. What’s my favorite video game?
  7. What’s my favorite movie ?
  8. What’s my nickname?
  9. Where do I live?
  10. What’s my favorite animal?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me? 2018

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