survivor dog love story #3

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hello and welcome back to the survivor dog love story or is it a love story any more ow well and also be-warned in part 4 you will change characters and you will be Starlight

also she does become alpha and you will control her i will tell you the rest later. if you haven't done the other parts then do it or nothing will make sense.

Created by: Lillian
  1. ok we left of were you find the blood of something and the bones right
  2. ok have you thought of what the blood was
  3. last question before we begin have you read survivors or warriors or any of the Erin hunter books
  4. ok lets begin so you go find your son and you see a den inside you find a cougar and your son he is dead what do you do
  5. whatever you did you deside to get your pack and kill the cougar what is your plan
  6. if you decided to attack wile he is asleep you go inside the den but you fail
  7. if you chose trap him in his den it works and he is your prisoner
  8. if you chose trap him then he fulls in and dies
  9. time skip now for another age test this is your home work now your puppies are now teenages haw old are they
  10. ok your old now and you are stepping down from alpha and your daughter starlight is now alpha and you are her mentor and part of her council ow and don't think this story is over there is more.

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