surviving zombies

there are many people in the world that wonder if they will survive a zombie apocolipse see if you will survive (this quiz is not 100% accurate and i made it for fun)

will you survive the zombies find out today right now just click on this quiz and you won't regret it well sometimes if you don't pass the quiz have fun

Created by: simon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if a zombie crash down the door of your house what do you do?
  2. if your girlfriend/boyfriend gets bitten what do you do
  3. there are zombies after you and you can go to any place quickly where do you go?
  4. whats the best weapon?
  5. how do you kill a zombie?
  6. you find a cell phone who do you call?
  7. your trying to make a fire how to do it?
  8. you have a lot of friends but, all of them die except?
  9. you find a hide out with a lot of weapons but, it is full with zombies what do you do?
  10. you find a ride able thing what is it?
  11. you find a farm what animal would you take?
  12. you find an abandoned building what do you do

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