Survival Part 8 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Survival Part 8.
@Reanna I'm glad ;) And who says they won't? ;P
@Twisted_Roots I promise it'll get better! I'm just trying to make this slower, more like how it'd actually happen :P
@SaraW Yepp! I'm in color guard, so flags, rifles, dance, and sabre :P however, in symphonic band I play the oboe :3
:3 I cannot say anything. I didn't submit to go to the comments because I didnt have anything to say. But yet I must say this: FUDGE NUGGET!! This is too good. And my face is still grinning like crazy.
@CountryBayRythm hell to the yes!! Whats your halftime show this year??? We're doing a combo of Fallout Boy, Green Day, and My Chemical Romance. Last year we did The Who.
SaraW1 -
@SaraW We are doing a couple different pieces... umm... the theme is 'The Storm'. Lol, I know, not extremely original but the show is sooo intense!
Would it be odd if I said I like none? I don't like any of them :( kinda James and kinda Donovan, just cuz I pity him tho!
I luv James sssooo much! And I like Anton a little too...XD omg! I love this series! Great. In the future, you should have two of them fight over you!!! XD
Holy crap!!!! I'm in color guard 2!!!!!! In concert band I play clarinet
SaraW1 -
Hurry up and make part 9
@PuffBall Haha, thanks :)
@SaraW :DDD Your a guard girl!!! And I started on clarinet :3 band geeks for the win! XD
Band camp??? Cool I'm in band 2 what do u play???
SaraW1 -
Make part 9 asan(as soon as now)
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