Superpower and Personality Quiz

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Want to find out your power? This quiz will help you figure out your super power as well as your personality and the power's information for when the power is used.

So, you found out about your power, but what's your personality? This quiz will help you figure out your super power as well as your personality and the power's information for the personality the super power holder has!

Created by: PGTV12
  1. Do you enjoy nature and/or wildlife?
  2. What is your favorite animal?
  3. How often are you on the internet?
  4. What was your favorite game growing up? Sorry if your game is not on here
  5. How often do you play video games?
  6. What is your favorite video game out of the three?
  7. What is your favorite book series?
  8. How often do you read books?
  9. How often do you watch TV shows/movies?
  10. What power were you hoping for??

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