Magical Power and Guardian

This quiz will let you find a power you would have in the Land of Fantasy. You will find that what power you possess though dormant never comes out. If you do not get the result you hoped for then let the result that you got to become the one you want.

Your pet is very loyal and would die to protect you. It is all based on your powers and your personality. Your pet can also become an object so it does not look out of place.

Created by: Emi
  1. Are you an adult or a child
  2. Do you have any pets?
  3. Which one do you prefer?
  4. You find 10 boxes. Five are marked as powers. You must choose randomly.
  5. The other five are marked as pets.
  6. You must choose one weapon.
  7. Are happy or sad most of the time?
  8. Do you like to fight?
  9. What is your favorite object?
  10. Do you like greek gods?

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