StepQuest Mountaineer Quiz

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To help you design your customized Mountaineer profile for the StepQuest game, take our new Mountaineer Quiz to find out what type of mountaineer you are!

Are you ready to change your life, one step at a time? Then welcome to StepQuest. The following quiz is designed to help you create your Mountaineer and get into the game. Happy trails!

Created by: Natalie Sintek
  1. Which movies do you rush to the theater to see?
  2. How do you like to spend your free time?
  3. What's your favorite type of game to play?
  4. How did you hear about StepQuest?
  5. Which are you most likely to have at all times?
  6. When do you like to exercise?
  7. What keeps you from exercising?
  8. Which animal would you like to have most?
  9. What do you hope to achieve with StepQuest?
  10. Complete this sentence: Every day is __________.

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