Starry Side: How much do you hate Tigerstar?

Warrior Cats Fans! Are you like Tigerstar? DO you like him? Maybe you will turn out to like him 0%! That would be awesomely great. You better get it or

I will hunt you down and kill you using a cheeseburger and a venus flytrap that hasn't been fed for a week! ARGH. You have to get 0% or you are a bad person!

Created by: Starlet
  1. You are _____ and you belong to _____Clan.
  2. You, in your spare time, like to
  3. How many times have you killed a cat, in training or in battle?
  4. What would Tigerstar most likely say?
  5. Do you want to live as leader of TigerClan?
  6. POINTLESS INFORMATION TIME! Did you know you can move faster by increasing your speed? You can also decrease it by going slower! Isn't that interesting?
  7. Do you have fur? Do you breathe to live? Do you eat planets? Do you ever wonder what its like to be an alien you're swallowing with that planet?
  8. POINTLESS INFORMATION TIME! Killer whales are carnivores! (Sonic the Hedgehog: Killer whales, here, where?!*scampers off*)
  9. The flower, turning blue, was laced with sky. It was so beautiful, she couldn't help staring at it's lovely color. "It's such a miracle!" She said, in awe.
  10. POINTLESS INFORMATION TIME! Money is a great source of income! It's green!

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Quiz topic: Starry Side: How much do I hate Tigerstar?