Star Wars (what class are you)

This quiz will classify and determine which star wars class you belong to and even though you didn't like your results, it will all be true ( trust me ).

Many people want to know what to choose n games like, should I be assault? No! Maybe officer? See what I mean? This quiz will determine what you should choose and know what you truly are! So what are you waiting for? Taking the quiz.

Created by: Jerry
  1. what is your favorite weapon?
  2. what type of approach do you like?
  3. what is you favorite starship?
  4. are you nice to your friends or not? ( seriously be honest! I wont judge you.
  5. what do you prefer to learn at the jedi temple or the sith temple?
  6. lightside or dark side? ( don't lie please! )
  7. do you prefer mercy or not?
  8. Are you fast and smart?
  9. did you like the quiz? ( this will also help with your classifying to )
  10. are you bossy to anyone?

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Quiz topic: Star Wars (what class am I)
