Spanking punishment quiz for you

I hope you learned your lesson after this.Anythings that you did not correct yet.You may make ur kid come back to this quiz and do it again and see his result so he can change u can give him 2-3 weeks to change or 1 month thanks for taking this quiz hope you have a good life after this punishment.

I made this quiz for parents to let their kid get a punishment so the kid might listen more and they could receive the small spanking as a warning I guess but for the people who got harsh spanking you are really a naughty kid and you derseve it.

Created by: Maker111133343
  1. What did you do
  2. How naughty were you? 1-5 1=Very good5=very bad
  3. Will you continue doing the same thing after getting ur result?
  4. Ready for ur result?
  5. Will you do what the result tell?
  6. Will you clean and study more and do ur homework and sleep on time after the punishment/spanking?
  7. Are you gonna help ur parents and help them clean if they are tired? And reamber no fast food for 1 month if you don't help them for atleast 1 month,1 month will be added for not helping for one day
  8. Ready for ur result? You must do it when you receive it no rejecting
  9. Be reminded the harsh punishment is really harsh so I hope if you get it you better listen moreFor small spanking ones you are a very great kid
  10. How old are you?

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