Soulmate Quiz 4.0

Soulmateeeeeeeeeeeeeee quizzzzzzzzzzz roundddddddddddddd 4. It has been a year since the last quiz and a lot can happen in a year to say the least :,)

May the soulmate you get be the one................. but who believes in soulmates anyway LOLLLLLLLL Good luck and may the odds be in your favor (clown emoji)

Created by: yo mom
  1. What is your soulmate's ideal major/interests?
  2. What top attribute are you looking for in your soulmate?
  3. What kind of movie would you want to watch on the first date?
  4. I love a man who can____
  5. Do they have to be a "nerd"
  6. How would you like your soulmate to dress?
  7. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
  8. What is your ideal date?
  9. Does height matter?
  10. How do you treat dating?

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