so you think youd survive

Put your survival knowledge to the test. enjoy. the. test. i . slaved. over. this. paragraph. (not really =b). this. was . so . hard . to . make. enjoy.

if you liked this one, you should check out my next quiz: grants quiz for wvw. this was just a starter and the next will be much bigger and better. telling you which one of me or my friends you are.

Created by: grant
  1. your in a small bush plane on a hot day. sudenly you start losing altitude. you are going straight for the treetops wut should u do?
  2. you see a mountain lion, stalking you. you should...
  3. you have multiple possible materials for a fire what is the best?
  4. now, how do you decide what direction to go in and what direction.
  5. now how confident are you that you will survive(69 and below is a fail).
  6. you feel the affects of altitude sickness. you should..
  7. you are lost at sea, you have a small metal sheet, a large metal can, some fire starters, some fuel and a rowboat. you are so thirsty...
  8. what is the universal symbol for distress?
  9. how can you check for co2 in a cave
  10. i am the beginning of the end, i am at the end of time and space, i am essential to creation, and surround you in every place. what am i?

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