So you think you know me

There are many people who think they know me, but not many know as much as they think. So go ahead take it and see just how much you think you might know. I might be easier than you think. Try it you might find out that you dont know jay as well as you think

Do you think you know me that well. Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out! So go ahead if you are that bold and you think you know the jay man come one kick it one time and see how well you think you might know me

Created by: Jason

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What instrument do I play
  2. What sport do I play
  3. Who is the girl that I love more than anything
  4. What kinda music do I like
  5. What are two my first love
  6. Whats my favorite drink
  7. What other language do I speak
  8. I have a collection of
  9. One of my favorite foods is
  10. Whats the name of the girl I do not like

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