Do You Know Me?

There are many people that think they know me, but few really trulley do know me. Do you think you know me. You probably dont. So why dont you TRY and prove me wrong. :)

Do YOU know me. Do you think you have the brain power to answer questions about me. Well you better know the answers because I am important. lol no i am just joking im not THAT important. But if you dont know me thanks to this wonderfull quiz you can get to know me. I also leave a commet after each question. So go ahead and check it out. You dont have anything to loose.

Created by: amber
  1. What is my favorite shade of green. also my favorite color.
  2. Besides the army what else do I want to be when i grow up.
  3. Who would I kill most for with out even thinking about saying no?
  4. Who do I dislike more?
  5. What is my brother and my two sisters name?
  6. What am I?
  7. What do I go by or what is my nickname at skol?
  8. Who is my role model?
  9. Who do I love most in the world?
  10. Who would I pay my life for to go see.

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Me?