SMG4 quiz!!! (Test if your a SMG4 fan!)

Hello people from the screen! I made a special SMG4 quiz for my fellow SMG4 fans! Hope you enjoy it! c: And also read the yapping from the second paragraph because your awesome as heckery (It's not a word)

Your a cool someone from the screen or somebody lol, Cool clothes your wearing I actually don't know what you're wearing! Your cool and if someone bullies you then ignore them or punch them in the face >u

Created by: WaasabiGarlikz>_
  1. For new generations or older ones, when did Axol permanetly die?
  2. Why did SMG4 changed his models in 2022?
  3. Who is the creator of SMG4?
  4. Sorry if this was too short, I had to use my moms computer to make this lol
  5. Anyways back to the questions, why did Mr.Puzzles make the park or torture the SMG4 crew?
  6. When did Luke make SMG4?
  7. That's all for today thank you very much! (Ur mom is the correct answer btw)
  8. Ur mom (AM bored lol)
  9. We are almosty there to the end
  10. We are at the end, now actually thank you for playing this quiz! BYEEEEEEEEE!!!

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Quiz topic: SMG4 quiz!!! (Test if my a SMG4 fan!)
