Which Marauder are you most like?

Have you ever wondered which Marauder you're like? Or which would be your best friend? Neither have I, but I made this quiz anyway. I was bored, it's pretty short, but I hope you enjoy it!

And because I need a second paragraph when making this quiz. dfghjkgvvbnmnbvghjkhgghjkhgvbnmnbvbnbnmnbvbnmnbvbnmnbvbnhgfghghjhjhghhbnbnnmnmnjnbhbghbghbbhbvgb. Done. Sorry for wasting your time on reading the second paragraph.

Created by: Faith of Feel free to follow me on Wattpad!
(your link here more info)
  1. You and your friends are blamed for a prank pulled by another group of classmates. What do you do?
  2. Would you describe yourself as...?
  3. What's your favourite animal?
  4. When you get homework do you/did you...
  5. Final Question, Pick a fate.
  6. Ok so there's 4 more questions after this.
  7. What's your favourite fan made nickname.
  8. Are you really big Potterhead or taking this quiz for fun?
  9. Who do you want to be most likely deep down?
  10. The actual last question, it doesn't affect your answers (It does). Are you ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: Which Marauder am I most like?
