Slavery in the Bible | Comments

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  • Definition of slave: a person who is the legal property of another and is FORCED to obey them.

    Have you ever thought that maybe it was you that was "brainwashed"? I know that there were so-called punishments mentioned in your bible if someone mistreated "their" slave, but can you not see that there is still a bad message in this? Your bible is basically saying that it's okay to force someone to do something for you, but only if you don't mistreat them. Forcing someone to do something is mistreating them, and there is no "nice" way of doing it. It's sending out a thought of "oh, slavery is okay because it was in the bible", and that's a horrible message to send.

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  • Actually, I was formerly one of those people who were offended at Bible slavery. I was at the time convinced it was no different than slavery back in America times. Then I decided to look into it. That's all I'm going to say is for people to look into it.

    So no I wasn't brainwashed because although I had heard many times that Bible slavery is just like American Slavery, I decided to question that.

    Brainwashe d people do not question what they believe.


    Geist Turd
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  • I have no idea if that was directed towards me or not, but the first time I read your comment, I felt like it was, so I'm going to respond to it.

    Slavery is still slavery. There is no way that you can sugar-coat it. It was and still is a cruel thing, and I am against anyone and anything that thinks it's okay to have slaves.

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