Slavery in the Bible

Many people believe that the Bible condones slavery. Many people have their idea of Bible slavery from sites such as evil bible. Many will refuse to question the accuracy of these sites. Are you one of the few who know the truth or are you one of the many brainwashed?

Come and take this quiz and learn the truth then do your own research into it. It is eye -opening. IT may or may not change the way you look at the Bible.

Created by: SITBWV
  1. Slaves in the Bible were...
  2. Bible slaves went into slavery because...
  3. Slaves in the Bible were to be treated cruelly and like slaves.
  4. The Bible teaches it is ok to kidnap and force one into slavery against his/her will.
  5. Would a slave ever have wanted to stay with his/her master?
  6. Would a slave ever have wanted to stay with his/her master?
  7. Would a slave ever have wanted to stay with his/her master?
  8. Would a slave ever have wanted to stay with his/her master?
  9. Biblical slave owners could do whatever they wanted to their slaves.
  10. But slave owners beat their slaves therefore....
  11. Bible slaves were slaves for
  12. Slaves in the Bible who went free went away...
  13. From taking this quiz what are you going to do in regards to Bible slavery (or anything else in the Bible)?

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