Silly stupid quiz

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this quiz is too silly! :P why do i have 106 IQ i was born with it lolllllllllllllllll i am so common and are. this quiz is not serious and is meant for fun. are you smart, plain silly, stupid, common, sus? find out in this quiziz

You will not lose your inteligence in this one lol i do not cry ---------//////////////////////////// I promise! nnosotros comeonos compramos estamos es

Created by: girlkoreaboo
  1. Spelling
  2. IQ
  3. sus
  4. which sp character are you
  5. kpop
  6. ----------------------------------------------------------------?
  7. Nosotros caminos ir a la playa.
  8. legit real?
  9. last question!!!
  10. eepsum

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