Alright fam, let's get straight into it: this world is straight-up cooked. Everywhere you turn, it's chaos - form the skibidi toilet memes to folks flexing their rizz like they're the next coming of the Rizzler. If you've survived this deep into the internet void, welcome to Gen Alpha, where everything's a meme, and nothing makes sense (in the best way possible).

At the end of the day, life is just one big Skibidi challenge--chaotic, unpredictable, and if you're lucky, loaded with rizz. You either keep up with the vibe, or you get left behind scrolling through mid memes. Stay sigma, channel the Rizzler, and never forget: if it feels like ur cooked just remeber-it's probably because you are.

Created by: brotherofMAL
  1. what the flip
  2. do you like...the gays?...
  3. Thoughts on the diddy party?
  4. i luv u :3
  5. meow
  6. idk what to say
  7. i luv sigmas....
  8. meow meow meowww
  10. :3333

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