Which chaotic archetype are you?

Welcome to my quiz! If you are wondering, this is an Chaotic Archetype quiz! This quiz proves which type of chaos you are on 12 questions. Even your demographic questions count. Enjoy!

Chaos, is a type of behavior that is related to anarchy, destruction, and unorderliness. The opposite of chaos is order, and in Alignment Charts, Lawful. If you are a Lawful Good character, I would recommend you not to take this quiz, as these archetypes may not describe you accurately. Just kidding! Anyone can take this quiz! Have fun!

Created by: Aaron
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. In general, what are your fears? (About your persona)
  2. What are your biggest enemies?
  3. If you were a ruler of a kingdom, what will you do?
  4. In general, what is your view for society?
  5. Are you more expressive or more altruistic?
  6. Are you more integrated or disintegrated in society?
  7. If so, what is your chaotic Alignment?
  8. What is your ideal purpose in society?
  9. Which characters can you relate with the most?
  10. And lastly, what made you this way?

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Quiz topic: Which chaotic archetype am I?