Shout Out Quiz! September 2021

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Created by: Atticus
  1. First shoutout goes to Es, also known as Eclipsestar228!
  2. Second shoutout goes to Woofle, also known as WoF_Deathbringer!
  3. Third shoutout goes to Spice, also known as SprinkledSpice!
  4. Fourth shoutout goes to Cham, also known as ChameleonLeap!
  5. Fifth shoutout goes to WCI, also known as WowCrazyInsane!
  6. Ok now that we are done with the original 5, let's go to the rest of my frends! :D
  7. Tat, also known as Dragonsfire!
  8. Mother, also known as June_Roses!
  9. Kai, also known as Cinnamon_Roll!
  10. Elly, also known as Elly1Everything!
  11. Chai, also known as Derecho!
  12. Trem, also known as Tremendous!
  13. Egg, also known as Eggaly!
  14. Kris, also known as Imsoclueless!
  15. Summers, also known as Gacha_Summer!
  16. Nix, also known as Phoenix_Pharaoh!
  17. Vio, also known as Violagal12!
  18. Zilla!
  19. Now for the mods!
  20. Ac, also known as Acrimony!
  21. Road, also known as TheColdestSun!
  22. Jade, also known as MusedJade!
  23. Drekk, also known as FacelessKnight!
  24. Bread, also known as Breadgirl69!
  25. That's it! If I missed you or skipped you for a reason and you want to know why, tell/ask me in the comments! Bye!

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