Shout out 1lol this is gonna be short.

Ok so i just wanted to make a shout out quiz because everybody's doing it these days so ya.This thing has to be around 500 characters long so i'm just going to write and type.

Ok so i just wanted to make a shout out quiz because everybody's doing it these days so ya.This thing has to be around 500 characters long si i'm just going to write and type.

Created by: doglovergirl
  1. GoGirl123-GoGirl123 you are my best friend here on GTQ and led me threw the way.I wanted to put you first for those reasons.
  2. Puppet-You are funny even though sometimes you get on my nerves.You have also told me things that are wrong and right for GTQ.
  3. Slayerbrine-Thank you for being the 1 person I met on GTQ you have been my friend ever since we met.
  4. Cindy the Cat-thank you so much for being my friend thank you as well for soaping and RPing with me.
  5. Fandom-For soaping with me even though people think i'm bad at soaping and RPing.
  6. XXXBrianXXX-yo you are so nice to me and don't think i'm dumb and stupid like most users.
  7. Starry eyed girl-thank you for once talking to me but I can't find you anymore.
  8. Jeeshan-one of my best friends here on Go To Quiz and I also think you'r one of the best users.
  9. Kalafina-thank you for doing a soap with me and I enjoy our little chats but you don't really show up.
  10. know for all of my friends-Thank you so much for leading me threw the way.

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