Should you wear diapers?

TAKE THIS TEST WITH A GRAIN OF SALT, FOR MEDICAL INQUIRIES, CONSULT A DOCTOR I don’t know what to put here ahhhhhhhhhhhh it’s ya boi daddy keem here back at it again with another Minecraft let’s play so let’s just jump right into it

I don’t know what to put ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it’s ya boi daddy keem here back at it again with another Minecraft let’s play so let’s just jump right into it

Created by: D G
  1. Are you incontinent?
  2. Would you mind wearing diapers?
  3. Have you been recommended diapers by anyone?
  4. Do you think you need diapers personally?
  5. Can you afford diapers?
  6. Would you be willing to wear diapers?
  7. Are diapers available in your living situation?
  8. Why are you taking this quiz?
  9. Do you live with anyone?
  10. If you live with anyone are they excepting would they be excepting of diapers?

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Quiz topic: Should I wear diapers?

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