Should you get a cat???

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Hope you enjoy the quiz. This is my first quiz tell me what other quiz I should do and tell me your results for the quiz enjoy 😊 Hope you like it. Plz enjoy

Hope you get a cattt there amazing. In my personal experience with pet cats they like to snuggle and play but mostly sleep. Enjoy the quiz tell me what quizzes I should do.

Created by: Nahla
  1. What do you like to do ?
  2. Prefer movies and pizza or dinner and party
  3. Do u have kids
  4. Big yard or small yard
  5. Do you like cats
  6. Inside pets or outside pets
  7. What other pets do you have
  8. How many pets do you have
  9. Do you want a cat
  10. Do u have a cat

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Quiz topic: Should I get a cat???
