Should you become a baby again?

Do you want to be babied? If you think you do, You should take this quiz to find out. And if you don’t, still do the quiz, because you never now what you might want.

Or are you just curious? Even if you are, there are many reasons. However, I am not going to list them because you don’t need to know them, so just take the quiz.

Created by: Bnvoles dhbergement
  1. Do you like to wear and use diapers?
  2. Do you like being babied?
  3. Do you like milk?
  4. Do you like playing with kids’ toys?
  5. Do you like being humiliated?
  6. Do you like watching kids’ TV shows?
  7. How old are you?
  8. Bye
  9. Go be a baby😘
  10. This is the last question

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Quiz topic: Should I become a baby again?

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