Should teenage boys be made to wear Dungarees / Overalls

This is a quiz to see if you feel a particular type of clothing will affect a TEENAGE boys behaviour, in this case, dungarees, or overalls in the USA. Unisex, more often worn by girls than boys

Being made to wear Dungarees/ Overalls has ket[pt my teenage son out of trouble. Made to wear them at 13, he now still happily wears them by choice at seventeen.

Created by: AIDEN
  1. your parents decide that you are going to wear dungarees instead of jeans. What would be your response.
  2. you are told that you will be taken out shopping your dungarees. How do you react
  3. Your dungarees are dark blue denim, you are told that you are going to choose some more. What type/ colour would you choose.
  4. Your parents say that they are going to choose some for you. Do you hope for .
  5. You are sixteen, your friends call at your house, you are grounded but they are allowed in. They see you wearing dungarees and a T shirt and start laughing. Your reaction is?
  6. Your sisters mates visit. They want to know why you are wearing girly dungarees. What do you tell them.
  7. Having heard this, your parents decide to punish you for telling lies. You are given a choice of punishments.
  8. Your summer vacation. When you go to get your clothes, you find that your regular casual shorts have been replaced with shortalls/ dungaree shorts, in various shades. How do you react.
  9. You have a long car journey to your destination. You are wearing Denim dungarees to travel it is very hot. Do you ask to change to shortalls
  10. When you arrive, you notice a couple of girls about your age staying next door, one is very attractive. Your father tells you to change and go and wash the car. Your mother gives you denim shortalls and white gym shoes. The girl is sat outside near the car. Do you
  11. Do you think it is right for boys of teenage years to have to wear dungarees.
  12. Would you wear Dungarees as a teenage male.
  13. If you wore them, what type would you prefer to wear.
  14. if you had to cotton dungarees, what colours would you choose.
  15. Would you feel humiliated wearing dungarees in public
  16. Would you feel humiliated wearing shortalls in public.

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