Shards prowl quiz (a book Im writing)

Shard’s prowl is a book I’m writing About a team of animals led by a Jaguar this is the first quiz i did so don’t judge.. or the book please ~~~~~~~~~~

I am Only Doing the Main Characters, Like Shard, Dagger(the villain), Azure(the smart one), Mkali(the brave one) Twig(the confusing one) Etc… I hope you enjoy the quiz

Created by: ~Shard~
  1. One of your friends is trapped in the ravine that Dagger (a Evil jaguar) lives in... you...
  2. You are looking for food you hope you find...
  3. You wake up in the morning you..
  4. You hear a rustle in the bushes you
  5. You are running through the forest with your friend suddenly you realize your friend is not following any more...
  6. You have just found the best thing ever! you...
  7. You find a baby rabbit on the ground abandoned you..
  8. Your favourite colour? *i don’t know just thinking of a random question*
  9. What animal symbol/emoji do you use most? *I don’t know another random question*
  10. What Habitat Do you Like Most?

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