what character in my book are you?

hello there, my name is Kendall and I've written for the writing program "Written Out Loud" this is a quizzed based on the first book I've ever written. this book features the following characters : Mira Clay/Cliff Nez Ayla Nelson Bob Zeus and Atlas.

I really hope you enjoy this quiz and if you want to purchase the book this is based off of then go to Lulu.com and the book is "The Gods' apprentices" I wrote this book with multiple people that were all really amazing. now quiz time!!

Created by: kendall
  1. what's your gender?
  2. how would you feel if you were forced into a game/tournament you didn't want to participate in.
  3. what god would have chosen you
  4. do you have a sibling?
  5. best trait of yourself?
  6. worst trait?
  7. favorite color
  8. your reaction to murdering someone
  9. could you spot the difference from one being dead to being alive from over 100 feet away?
  10. do you think you could ever backstab someone
  11. without any idea on what this means do you ship clayla?
  12. would you give your life to the person you have loved your whole life?
  13. become a tree yes or no?
  14. anyway that's the end of the quiz on who you would be I know some of these questions might not make sense probably because you haven't read the book but anyway that's all I hope you have a nice day/night (THIS QUESTION DOESNT AFFECT THE SCORE)

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Quiz topic: What character in my book am I?
