Shapes and Colors

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Whit this excecise we are goin to review what we have been working for the last two weeks and see how much students have acjive, to see if we can move on.

How you can see this is a basic quiz, to move to the next task in which students are going to produce some sentences using this information, thanks for taking the quiz.

Created by: Claudia Verdugo
  1. What is the circle color?
  2. What is the triangle color?
  3. What is the color of the star?
  4. What color is the hexagon?
  5. What is the square color?
  6. What color is the rectangle?
  7. How many sides does the triangle has?
  8. How many sides does the hexagon has?
  9. How many sides does the square has?
  10. What is the circle shape?

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