Shadow fight 2 Quiz How much do you know about sf2

There are 10 questions in this quiz all about shadow fight 2. Please don't cheat because you want to know how much you know about shadow fight 2. So I hope you enjoy the quiz

By the way if you get a low mark in the quiz please don't get angry and if you get a high mark then congratulations hehehhehheheheheheheheheheheheheheh

Created by: John Thimas
  1. Who is butchers wife
  2. Shogun thought Shadow was a
  3. What level is a composite sword
  4. Which weapon has 2 enchantments
  5. What are the two enchantments on that weapon
  6. Who's parents did butcher kill
  7. This one is an easy one. How many bosses are their
  8. Which boss only has defensive enchantments
  9. What is the name of Lynx's clan
  10. Widow has how many male bodyguards

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Quiz topic: Shadow fight 2 Quiz How much do I know about sf2
