Selena Gomez trivia

There are many Selena fans out there! But few true fans! Are you a die heart fan or do you even know her one bit? Find out now! I hope you like this quiz!

Do you know Selena Gomez as much as you think? Find out know by taking this quiz! This quiz tests your Selena knowledge and see's how much you know her!

Created by: Lindsay

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How old is Selena?
  2. When is her b-day?
  3. Does Selena have siblings?
  4. How tall is she
  5. Where was she born?
  6. What is her latest album?
  7. What is her middle name?
  8. How old was she when her parents got divorced?
  9. Who is her Best friend?
  10. What's her favorite movie gene?
  11. What's her favorite fruit?
  12. How old was her mom when she had Selena?

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