All about Selena Gomez

This quiz is for you to see if you know almost every thing about Selena Gomez! Are you an ultimate fan of hers! Or do you need to look her up more! You'll find out in this quiz! :)

Are you an ultimate fan or a poor fan! You'll see in this quiz! Only 15 questions and you'll know! So go Selena Gomez! Go, go! Go Selena! Go, go! YAY!

Created by: Dakotah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Selena Gomez's birthdate?
  2. Where was she born?
  3. Who is like Selena's BFF?
  4. What was the first show she was on?
  5. She has her own website. What's it called?
  6. What's her eye color?
  7. What's her favorite color?
  8. What's her mom's name?
  9. Which one is NOT one of her songs?
  10. How old was she when she did her her first show?
  11. Who did she play in her first show?
  12. She got to work with Demi Lovato in a movie. In what movie did they get to work together?
  13. What's her middle name?
  14. How many siblings does she have?
  15. She has two nicknames. Which one is one of hers?
  16. What age was her mother when she gave birth to Selena?

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