Seer's Impossible quiz

There once was a little seer who was looking for a moderation team to join in. And then he saw a moderation auditions for a server, where he submitted his application.

Same day, Little Seer was chosen to be a moderator along with three other amazing moderators. He lived and trained more moderators for the server. and forgot to subscribe to Orb LOL

Created by: Seth Alguire
  1. What does Seer like to watch?
  2. Seerlet is?
  3. Seer's Seer?
  4. Favorite game?(The answer might be suprising!)
  5. What Generation was Seerlet
  6. Seer knows a mod irl,who is it?
  7. How many children does Seerlet have
  8. Seerlet's battlecry?
  9. Seerlet can't
  10. Seer is good at

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