Harry Potter love story *readers inside* pt 3

Hey guys I think you might love this quiz just keep reading and I forgot to add in the summary in the end 3rd year Dumbledore said Lisa had seer powers and I'm thinking that I should put ______ instead of writing her full name

and I want to not spoil this when you finish the quiz read the thanks for visiting and please rate well I want to be on the top 40 quizzes on gotoquiz

Created by: N master
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hey guys what's up recap Lisa felt she knew Harry some where
  2. *2 hours later*~Lisa's POV~ The whole journey Hermione kept on saying why would I be friends with Harry and Ron so when we arrived a castle a tall guy came and said, "All firs' years en'er a boa'," So I entered a boat with Harry and Ron and we started a conversation Harry said"What an awkward thing I already have 2 friends on my first day," I smirked and Ron said, "You should be happy you already have 2 friends," I was really sad on how Hermione humiliated them I even felt I should not be friends with them and then tear trickled down my cheek. "Lisa what's wrong," Harry said as he noticed a tear on my cheek.
  3. *Some minutes later*~Harry's POV~ When we reached a castle we lined up and we saw a hat placed on a stool and it started to sing the song it sang was; Oh you may not think I'm pretty But don't judge on what you see I'll eat myself if you can find smarter hat than me You can keep your bowlers black and top hats sleek and tall For I'm Hogwarts sorting hat And I can cap them All There's nothing hidden in your head the sorting hat can't see So try me and I'll tell you where you ought to be You might belong in Gryffindor where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring nerve and chivalry, Set Gryffindor appart, You might belong in Hufflepuff where there just and loyal those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil or yet in wise old Ravenclaw If you've a ready mind Those of wit and learning Will always find there kind Or perhaps Slitherin where you'll find your real friends those cunning folk use any means to achieve there ends So put me on don't be afraid! Your in safe hands (though I have none) For I'm a thinking cap! the crowd burst with applause
  4. ~Lisa's POV~When the sorting hat was placed on my head it said, wow you may have some unsuspecting turns in your life this may come as a surprise to you but it has to be GRYFFINDOR!!!! and the red table cheered and sat next to Harry he was the one I could trust the most right now then Hermione came and it said GRYFFINDOR!!!! and she sat on the other side of the table and glared at me and harry was telling me about his paat when he finished you would think we have known each other for years not a few hours and when the sorting was done the headmaster Dumbledore told everyone the school rules and we were led to our dormitories for first years and my roommates were, Hermione Granger, Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown. *In the morning* I was awoken by Parvati and LavendLavender blowing there hair I went to the bathroom and freshened up.
  5. ~Third person POV~*3 years later* Now Lisa was 15 years old [Me: And it's Yule ball year are you screaming I've planned who's her date already]
  6. ~Lisa's POV~ As we came to the great hall we saw a man with a blue eye and a large chunk of his nose was missing and had a wooden foot and Dumbledore said, "We will have to cancel quidditch (is this spelled right) this year, because Hogwarts will be hosting the triwizard tournament," and cheers filled the place and Harry and I looked at each other and smirked
  7. ~Lisa's POV~*Yule ball 1 day before* A day to Yule ball I was sitting in the common room when Harry came and said, "Lisa they said that champions have to have dates and I was thinking that you could come with me," looking into my gray eyes I just said, "Even If I could say no I'd still go as your best friend
  8. ~Lisa's POV~ After I said that Harry cupped my face and placed his lips on mine (Me: Yayy I planned her first kiss already) and we kissed and he pulled appart and I started my homework.
  9. Hi guys uhm here's a quick summary what happened through the yeas So in first year she went for the philosopher's stone and earned 55 points to Gryffindor and in 2nd year she was controlled by voldemort and almost died in 3rd she fell out with harry because of Sirius and thats that
  10. pick the right one

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