See how big a swiftie you are

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This test will tell you if you are a swiftie or not so choose wisely also this needs a lot of letters so don’t mind the random letters at the end in the next description slay

Eyhvdhncxfhnvddfvvkknvcvnfstjbklcxsrybxvkjfv hdsvjucv dhjccyij fun dhb fun vdhn challenging. Nkgd. Jhvvbhhn. Gn. Can. Gn. Can vvgjbvghb gn vb. G. R hhbnk

Created by: Fafai
  1. What is her fav color
  2. How many album's
  3. Her fav number
  4. Newest album
  5. What Taylor swift song represents a snake
  6. What is a song from lover
  7. How do you spell her name
  8. Her fav animal
  9. Where did she grow up
  10. Did you like this quiz

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